Napaway and Boxcar NYC Commuter Pilot

Boxcar Morris Meteor Icon

We’re thrilled to announce that, between June 13th and 27th, Napaway will partner with Boxcar for a pilot program offering luxury commuter service to New York City! 

Boxcar, New York’s premier business-class commuter service, is known for offering effortless trips into Manhattan from New Jersey. Now, Napaway can offer Boxcar riders an even more luxurious and private commute option. 

Said Boxcar CEO Joe Colangelo: 

I first encountered Napaway’s product on my trip to Orlando for a bus convention and was struck by the way they used space on a motor coach in an efficient and incredibly luxurious way. 

The product immediately reminded me of the Pullman sleeping car, which was an upscale coach that transformed the rail passenger experience in the nineteenth century. The P llman coaches were revolutionary, providing unprecedented comfort and luxury, and were a status symbol of their time. Our partnership with Napaway aims to recreate that luxurious experience for modern commuters. If B car is typically your business-class commute, this offers a first-class experience. 

From June 13th until June 27th, Napaway will operate commuter routes on Boxcar’s Morris Meteor on the following schedule:   

  • From June 13th-20th, this coach will depart Convent Station at 6:15 am. 

  • From June 21st-27th, this coach will depart Convent Station at 7:05 am. 

  • For the entirety of this run, returns on this coach will depart Bergdorf at 5:25 pm. 

Tickets are available now via the Boxcar app (Apple / Android). Individual seats will be $26.99 for Boxcar members ($39.99 for non-members), and full suites will be $39.99 ($59.99 for non-members).  

Continued Joe Colangelo: “This pilot is about learning, evolving, and continuously finding ways to enhance Boxcar’s commuting experience. We're curious to see how our members will receive this offering. If yo love it, we'll certainly consider making it a full-time offering.” 

Remember: trips are limited, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to see how Napaway can make your trip into the greatest city in the world even greater! 

Napaway is the USA’s premier sleeper bus charter company. We also offer sports transportation services, sports team charter buses, entertainer bus charters, corporate transportation services, and much more. Book a charter today and see why our luxury bus charters are better than anything else around!


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